Wednesday 2 October 2013

School Magazine Image Evaluation

The first photograph i took was a landscape of the school building. I took a photograph of the building because the headline on the school magazine cover is "brand new building for 2014!" This gives readers such as parents to see the quality and new part of the school. The photograph was taken from a window, on the top floor of the building opposite the building in the photograph, I did this so i could fit the whole building into the camera frame and so the Image was at the same level as the other building.

The second Image i took was also a landscape to show the sixth form study area. This image shows a busy environment of students working, this gives the school a good reputation by showing that the students are hardworking. I took this photo as a landscape to fit more people in the camera frame, however if i was to retake this photograph i would do it as a panoramic to capture more people and to show readers more of the schools appearance in the photograph. The photograph also features lots of computers in the shot which shows off the schools facilities. 

The third Image i took was a portrait of a student using a computer in the study area which gets a whole body shot of the student. Although this photograph shows the schools facilities again it also shows the student is studying and working hard. I took the photograph with the students face turned away from the camera so she wasn't the main focus as i wanted the focus to be of her working, not her face. If i was going to retake this photograph i would ask the student to take their coat off as it hides the dress code of 'business wear', making it less formal than what it could have been. I would have also moved the students bag and drink so there was less going on in the Image.

The fourth photograph I took Is a portrait of a student from the lower school, I decided to take a photo of someone from the lower school as they're wearing the uniform and the magazine is aimed at the pupils of the school as well as the sixth formers therefore the images apply for all the target audience. The photo is a medium close-up and i decided to take the picture against a white background. The white background makes the student and her uniform stand out so they're the main focus of the Image, for example it highlights the red on the students uniform. If I was going to retake this photograph I would move the student over slightly to the right so the light switch wasn't in the camera frame, although when I include the Image on the magazine cover I will most likely crop it out and change the lighting as I think the photograph would be more successful if there wasn't a shadow behind the student.   

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