Thursday 21 November 2013

Typography Moodboard

In this piece of work I created a typography moodboard on photoshop. The purpose of doing this task was to collect a range of mastheads with different typography to give me an idea of what type of text i wanted to use for my music magazine. While I was gathering images for my moodboard I found that mastheads that use the colour red stand out the most, which we can see on the moodboard as are most eye catching. This is effective as it makes readers pick the magazine up. Also the magazine genre I am doing is rock and I found that a lot of rock magazines use the colour red on their masthead, because of this I am considering using red for my masthead. I also found the mastheads that stood out the most were the ones that used  unique, bold and upper case typography which I have also decided to do as I want my masthead to stand out. I also think the mastheads that use this typography are the ones that look the most interesting.

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