Wednesday 26 March 2014

Photo-shoot Planning

Genre- The genre I am doing for my music magazine is alternative rock. To achieve
this I will need to think about action, costume, and models attitude, make up, hair, props and the shot type.
In my images I will be representing a female, in their late teens.

The costume will be something simple, a black t-shirt and black skinny                jeans/trousers. They will have dark eye make up (eye shadow and eyeliner) with backcombed/scruffy hair. In the photos they will be standing normally with a relaxed posture looing into the lens of the camera for the main cover issue whereas in the other images I will be taking they will be doing different facial expressions.  Potential props that are being considered is a guitar.

I will be using a wide variety of camera shots including, close up, medium close up, medium shot and long shot. By doing this it creates a range of Ideas I could use to fit in appropriate places on the magazine.

Potential issues include:
·      My model may not show up due to illness therefore I need to arrange another model before hand just in case this does happen.
·      If I forget a piece of equipment such as props then I will have to borrow or find something else to work around it, something that will create the same effect.

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